Our regular monthly newsletters are emailed to our members however if you would like a printed copy please email to arrange a copy.
Commissioning and Upgrades
Commissioning of 1905 Peckett Steam Locomotive and the first of our 1913 wooden historical passenger carriages was completed in August 2022.
The Herberton Railway Station’s new Refreshment Room was formally opened on 20th October 2022, as part celebration of the station’s 112th birthday, and the 112th anniversary of the first train arrival in Herberton.
A major bridge upgrade was completed in early January 2023, enabling our Peckett steam loco and its wooden carriage to commence operations from Herberton Station to the Historic Village Herberton. This is a major achievement by all past and present volunteers, and supporters who have been part of this, eight-year journey.
Further work is currently underway to have bridge 20 and 19 operational around first quarter of 2025. Also by mid 2025 we will see Momin station site upgrades completed.
Restoration work has begun on our second Peckett Steam Locomotive restoration, along with a second wooden passenger carriage.
An ex-Mulgrave sugar mill maintenance loco (the Pie Cart) has been regauged from 2 feet to 3 feet 6 inches, restored and is now operational.
Our two 2000 class rail motors 2014 and 2031 have commenced full restoration work with positive progress that could see both fully operational by mid 2025.
Workshop updates
- Training of volunteers continues
- New lunch room is now completed
- Office extension is now complete
- Refreshment room / Cafe is fully operational with additional works to continue.
- New disabled toilet and shower room is now complete
- Other workshop changes have taken place with another 290 square meters added to our Herberton workshop and maintenance facility making a total of 890 square meters under roof.